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Criminal and civil record databases are accessed from the source in real-time as you search.

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Professional records, business records, social media profiles and contact information are available for free on most people in the country.

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All our information – free profiles and premium reports – is updated daily as new information is made public.

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Criminal History, Sex Offender Convictions
Court offense type, date of offense, court name, court case description, case number, disposition and outcome of the charges and more.

Civil Judgments, Liens, Bankruptcies
Filing type, docket number, court location, amount in dispute, creditor name and judgment.

Plus, you can find their age, date of birth, home address history, home phone numbers and cell phone numbers, email addresses, marriage and divorces records, death records, aliases, property records, family relations, professional history, and often much more when it’s available in the public record.

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Amazed at how much information you had about me. Luckily it was all good and accurate!

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