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Hang T NguyenNew York, NY

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New York, NY   

San Francisco, CA   

Mentions for Hang T Nguyen

Career records & work history

Lawyers & Attorneys

Hang Nguyen Photo 1

Hang Nguyen - Lawyer

General Practice
Hang Nguyen Photo 2

Hang Thuy Nguyen - Lawyer

Baker & Mckenzie LLP, Ho Chi Minh City Branch Office
838-295585x (Office)
New York - Delinquent 2009
Southern Methodist University, Dedman School of Law

Medicine Doctors

Hang T. Nguyen

Internal Medicine
PMA Medical Specialists LLCPMA Medical Specialists
2650 Egypt Rd, Norristown, PA 19403
484-6853496 (phone) 484-8315346 (fax)
Medical School
Virginia Commonwealth University SOM
Graduated: 2001
Allergen Immunotherapy, Cardiac Stress Test, Electrocardiogram (EKG or ECG), Vaccine Administration
Abdominal Hernia, Abnormal Vaginal Bleeding, Acne, Acute Bronchitis, Acute Pharyngitis, Acute Renal Failure, Acute Upper Respiratory Tract Infections, Anxiety Dissociative and Somatoform Disorders, Anxiety Phobic Disorders, Aortic Valvular Disease, Atrial Fibrillation and Atrial Flutter, Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD), Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo, Benign Polyps of the Colon, Benign Prostatic Hypertrophy, Bipolar Disorder, Calculus of the Urinary System, Candidiasis, Carpel Tunnel Syndrome, Cataract, Cholelethiasis or Cholecystitis, Chronic Bronchitis, Cirrhosis, Contact Dermatitis, Dementia, Dermatitis, Diverticulitis, Epilepsy, Esophagitis, Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD), Gout, Hearing Loss, Hemorrhoids, Herpes Simplex, Herpes Zoster, Hyperthyroidism, Hypothyroidism, Infectious Liver Disease, Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD), Insomnia, Internal Derangement of Knee Cartilage, Intervertebral Disc Degeneration, Iron Deficiency Anemia, Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS), Ischemic Heart Disease, Ischemic Stroke, Lateral Epicondylitis, Lyme Disease, Malignant Neoplasm of Female Breast, Metabolic Syndrome, Migraine Headache, Multiple Sclerosis (MS), Non-Toxic Goiter, Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD), Osteoporosis, Overweight and Obesity, Peptic Ulcer Disease, Peripheral Nerve Disorders, Plantar Fascitis, Psoriasis, Pulmonary Embolism, Restless Leg Syndrome, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Rotator Cuff Syndrome and Allied Disorders, Schizophrenia, Sciatica, Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs), Spinal Stenosis, Thyroid Cancer, Thyroiditis, Transient Cerebral Ischemia, Urinary Incontinence, Urinary Tract Infection (UT), Venous Embolism and Thrombosis, Vitamin B12 Deficiency Anemia, Vitamin D Deficiency, Acute Conjunctivitis, Acute Myocardial Infarction (AMI), Acute Pancreatitis, Acute Sinusitis, Alcohol Dependence, Alopecia Areata, Alzheimer's Disease, Anal Fissure, Anal or Rectal Abscess, Anemia, Ankylosing Spondylitis (AS), Anorexia Nervosa, Atherosclerosis, Atopic Dermatitis, Autism, Bacterial Pneumonia, Bell's Palsy, Benign Thyroid Diseases, Bronchial Asthma, Bulimia Nervosa, Burns, Cardiac Arrhythmia, Cardiomyopathy, Celiac Disease, Chickenpox, Chronic Pancreatitis, Chronic Renal Disease, Conduction Disorders, Congenital Anomalies of the Heart, Constipation, Dehydration, Depressive Disorders, Diabetes Mellitus (DM), Diabetic Peripheral Neuropathy, Disorders of Lipoid Metabolism, Diverticulosis, Eating Disorders, Emphysema, Endocarditis, Endometriosis, Erectile Dysfunction (ED), Female Infertility, Femoral Hernia, Fractures, Dislocations, Derangement, and Sprains, Gastritis and Duodenitis, Gastrointestinal Hemorrhage, Glaucoma, Hallux Valgus, Heart Failure, Hemolytic Anemia, Hemorrhagic stroke, Herpes Genitalis, HIV Infection, Hypertension (HTN), Infectious Mononucleosis, Inguinal Hernia, Intestinal Obstruction, Intracranial Injury, Ischemic Bowel Disease, Labyrinthitis, Macular Degeneration, Melanoma, Menopausal and Postmenopausal Disorders, Mitral Valvular Disease, Myasthenia Gravis (MG), Nephrotic Syndrome, Obstructive Sleep Apnea, Osteoarthritis, Osteomyelitis, Otitis Media, Parkinson's Disease, Paroxysmal Supreventricular Tachycardia (PSVT), Phlebitis and Thrombophlebitis, Pneumonia, Poisoning by Drugs, Meds, or Biological Substances, Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS), Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS), Prostatitis, Raynaud's Disease, Rosacea, Sarcoidosis, Scoliosis or Kyphoscoliosis, Septicemia, Sickle-Cell Disease, Skin and Subcutaneous Infections, Skin Cancer, Substance Abuse and/or Dependency, Systemic Lupus Erythematosus, Tempromandibular Joint Disorders (TMJ), Tension Headache, Thoracid Aortic Aneurysm, Tinea Unguium, Uterine Leiomyoma, Valvular Heart Disease, Varicose Veins, Ventral Hernia, Viral Meningitis
Dr. Nguyen graduated from the Virginia Commonwealth University SOM in 2001. She works in Audubon, PA and specializes in Internal Medicine. Dr. Nguyen is affiliated with Phoenixville Hospital and Pottstown Memorial Medical Center.

Hang T. Nguyen

Family Medicine
Nanticoke Primary Care Seaford
100 Rawlins Dr FL 2, Seaford, DE 19973
302-9903300 (phone) 302-6284237 (fax)
Medical School
Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine
Graduated: 2004
Abnormal Vaginal Bleeding, Acute Bronchitis, Acute Pharyngitis, Acute Sinusitis, Acute Upper Respiratory Tract Infections, Allergic Rhinitis, Anxiety Phobic Disorders, Atrial Fibrillation and Atrial Flutter, Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD), Benign Polyps of the Colon, Benign Prostatic Hypertrophy, Bronchial Asthma, Candidiasis, Candidiasis of Vulva and Vagina, Constipation, Contact Dermatitis, Diabetes Mellitus (DM), Disorders of Lipoid Metabolism, Erectile Dysfunction (ED), Fractures, Dislocations, Derangement, and Sprains, Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD), Gout, Herpes Simplex, Herpes Zoster, Hypertension (HTN), Hypothyroidism, Iron Deficiency Anemia, Migraine Headache, Osteoarthritis, Osteoporosis, Overweight and Obesity, Peripheral Nerve Disorders, Restless Leg Syndrome, Skin and Subcutaneous Infections, Vitamin D Deficiency
Dr. Nguyen graduated from the Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine in 2004. She works in Seaford, DE and specializes in Family Medicine. Dr. Nguyen is affiliated with Nanticoke Memorial Hospital.

Hang T. Nguyen

Rheumatology, Internal Medicine
Fort Belvoir Community Hospital
9300 Dewitt Loop, Fort Belvoir, VA 22060
571-2311402 (phone) 571-2311526 (fax)
Medical School
Georgetown University School of Medicine
Graduated: 1999
English, Spanish
Dr. Nguyen graduated from the Georgetown University School of Medicine in 1999. She works in Fort Belvoir, VA and specializes in Rheumatology and Internal Medicine.

Hang J. Nguyen

Family Medicine
Health Center Of Auraria
955 Lawrence St, Denver, CO 80217
303-5562525 (phone) 303-5563881 (fax)
Chinese, English, Spanish
Ms. Nguyen works in Denver, CO and specializes in Family Medicine.

Hang Nguyen

Family Medicine
Petal Urgent Care
100 Eastbrook Dr STE 30, Petal, MS 39465
601-3365393 (phone) 601-6024681 (fax)
Ms. Nguyen works in Petal, MS and specializes in Family Medicine.

License Records

Hang M. Nguyen

License #: MA.000856 - Active
Issued Date: Aug 25, 2010
Expiration Date: Jan 5, 2018
Type: Medication Administration (V)

Hang M. Nguyen

License #: PNT.045354 - Expired
Issued Date: Feb 12, 2007
Expiration Date: Aug 24, 2010
Type: Pharmacy Intern

Hang M. Nguyen

License #: PST.019235 - Active
Issued Date: Aug 24, 2010
Expiration Date: Dec 31, 2017
Type: Pharmacist

Hang T. Nguyen

License #: CPT.008565 - Active
Issued Date: Aug 21, 2008
Expiration Date: Jun 30, 2017
Type: Certified Pharmacy Technician

Hang T. Nguyen

License #: MA.002031 - Expired
Issued Date: Jan 25, 2013
Expiration Date: Sep 15, 2013
Type: Medication Administration (V)

Hang T. Nguyen

License #: PNT.046206 - Expired
Issued Date: Nov 3, 2009
Expiration Date: Nov 3, 2014
Type: Pharmacy Intern

Hang L Nguyen

License #: 1614810 - Expired
Category: Cosmetology Manicurist
Expiration Date: Oct 8, 2015

Hang T Nguyen

License #: 3086561 - Expired
Issued Date: May 16, 2013
Expiration Date: Dec 31, 2016
Type: Manicurist Type 3

Hang Nguyen resumes & CV records


Hang Nguyen Photo 49

Hang Nguyen - San Francisco, CA

Independent/Private Apr 2010 to 2000
Personal Trainer
Gold's Gym SOMA - San Francisco, CA Mar 2008 to Aug 2010
Personal Trainer
BackFirst/ Restore Rehabilitation - San Francisco, CA Mar 2007 to Jul 2010
Health Educator
Embarcadero & Shih Yu-Lang Central YMCAs - San Francisco, CA Aug 2006 to Aug 2008
Wellness Coach
Green Hills Retirement Community - Ames, IA Jul 2002 to May 2006
Certified Nursing Assistant
Samuel Merritt University - Oakland, CA 2010 to 2013
Entry Level MSN - FNP
City College of San Francisco - San Francisco, CA 2008 to 2008
Certified Phlebotomy Technician
Iowa State University - Ames, IA 2002 to 2006
BS in Health & Human Performance
Des Moines Area Community College - Ames, IA 2002 to 2002
Certified Nursing Assistant
health promotion, wellness coaching, exercise programming
Hang Nguyen Photo 50

Hang Nguyen - San Jose, CA

Silicon Valley Bank (2 months contract) Mar 2013 to 2000
Client Service Advisor
Chase Bank - Sunnyvale, CA Sep 2011 to Dec 2012
Personal Banker
CBSJ Financial - San Jose, CA Aug 2011 to Sep 2011
Magnussen's Hyundai - Fremont, CA Apr 2011 to Jul 2011
Internet Sales Coordinator
Nordstrom - San Jose, CA Nov 2009 to Jan 2011
Beauty Consultant
Evergreen Valley - San Jose, CA 2003 to 2006
A.S Degree/Certificate Business in Business
Customer service (face to face and over the phone/email) Typing: 45wpm Strong organization skills Excellent interpersonal skills, office etiquette and phone manners Software: Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, Powerpoint, and Outlook) Software: Vinsolution, FSD, Cubs
Hang Nguyen Photo 51

Hang Nguyen - San Jose, CA

Richmar Associates Inc. May 2013 to 2000
Bloomingdale's - Palo Alto, CA Nov 2012 to Jul 2013
Registry Consultant
Fuji Electric Corp. of America - Fremont, CA May 2012 to May 2013
Sales Coordinator
Nth Connect Telecom Inc - San Jose, CA May 2007 to Mar 2012
Operation Support Supervisor/TechNet-WFX Lead
Tutoring - San Jose, CA Jul 2003 to Jan 2007
Tutor/Private Tutor
De Anza College - Cupertino, CA Sep 2005 to Dec 2007
AA in Liberal Arts

Publications & IP owners

Us Patents

Buffer Management And System Coordination Method

US Patent:
5963977, Oct 5, 1999
Oct 9, 1997
Appl. No.:
Clifford M. Gold - Fremont CA
Hang D. Nguyen - Fremont CA
George Li - Santa Clara CA
Minnie Uppuluri - San Jose CA
Hoa Luong - Fremont CA
Steve Paul - Santa Cruz CA
Bryan Mee - San Jose CA
Trinh Bui - San Jose CA
Quantum Corporation - Milpitas CA
International Classification:
G06F 1200
US Classification:
A method of coordinating access to a data buffer including a plurality of data blocks, using a buffer list with a plurality of entries corresponding to the data blocks. Each buffer list entry includes: (i) a status code for indicating the status of data in the corresponding data block, and (ii) a partial address common to both the next buffer list entry and a data block corresponding to said next buffer list entry. A status code is selected from a cyclical set of sequential status codes having a period of N, the status codes sequentially, and alternately, representing the most recent history of a data block, including: (i) full status, indicating data in the data block has been retrieved from the storage device or is to be stored to the storage device, or (ii) empty status, indicating data transferred out of the data block to a host or to the storage device. A store flag maintains a status code representing empty status, and a retrieve flag maintains a status code representing full status. When storing data into the data buffer, locating a desired buffer list entry list with an empty status code by traversing the buffer list, calculating the address of each entry using the partial address in the previous entry, until the desired entry is found.

Method For Transfer Of Data Between A Media Access Controller And Buffer Memory In A Token Ring Network

US Patent:
4914652, Apr 3, 1990
Aug 1, 1988
Appl. No.:
Hang Diem Nguyen - Fremont CA
Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. - Sunnyvale CA
International Classification:
H04J 302
US Classification:
370 855
A method is provided for use in a Token ring network including a plurality of stations serially connected by a transmission medium so as to form a closed loop on which packets of data are circulated, wherein each respective station includes a media access controller and a buffer memory, the method including the steps of transferring data of a respective packet from a media access controller to a buffer memory; storing the data in a sequence of contiguous memory locations in the buffer memory; in the course of the step of transferring the data, generating status information for the data; after said step of storing the data, storing the status information in the buffer memory contiguously with the stored data at the beginning of the sequence of memory locations in which the data are stored.

Isbn (Books And Publications)

Will Of A Vietnamese

Hang T. Nguyen

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